Many of us guys don’t really talk about our problems – particularly problems in the bedroom. Somehow there is a stigma attached to that in our brains – if there’s a problem in that area, we think we are less than men.
So we bone up (pun intended) on information about male enhancement when we are supposed to be surfing the net. Let’s take a look at some male enhancement myths we need to be careful about.
- Size matters most – there is indeed a bit of truth in this, but the down and dirty is your technique that gets you to the goal. There is nobody out there who has the perfect penis, or even a perfect anything, guys, so chill. We all are different; there are no two guys alike, which is why we are pretty special. That is why penis size doesn’t really cut the mustard – so get it out of your heads.
- Risks = 0% – some avid marketers like to tell you their product “involves no risk to you whatsoever.” If you want to enlarge our buddy down there, risk is possible. Don’t settle for what the capital letters in the ads you see tell you. Read the fine print, or better yet, talk to your doctor.
- You gain much if you risk much – even if you guys have already read the myths above and that they are false – you still want a larger penis? Think about this. If you’re going to risk permanent damage to your reproductive organ for the sake of additional one or two inches – what would happen in the future? You might be seriously hurt and the expense would go down the drain. You might even have to go through drastic lifestyle changes or not be completely whole anymore after you go under the surgeon’s knife.
Women love big men. – Of course there’s no accounting for taste, because there is some truth to the matter. Some women like it big, but the god-honest truth is that a larger percentage of women prefer men who are of normal size – but has the skills in the bedroom.
- Average size. – we usually have the common misconceptions regarding the word “average” when it’s used to describe penis size. Many of us don’t really know what the actual average size is; and we always think that ours is too small. This in turn causes us to turn to different “lengths” for male enhancement. Most of us are average size or close to it. You should stop worrying about it.
Now you have the most popular myths about male enhancement debunked. So if you find others, they will be much easier to spot.
Consider carefully all of the myths regarding male enhancement techniques. You are going to realize that you are not going to need any of those after all.