There are a bunch of myths regarding penis extenders that are running on the internet right now, and most of us guys are falling for it.
Penis enhancement has a bunch of lies surrounding it, so it is best to separate fact from fiction before any of our mates fall victim to such expensive but useless junk.
- Penis Extenders are dangerous to health – the word traction makes most guys run screaming in the opposite direction and never look back. The never bother to read on after that. Worry not, because it is the safest and gentlest way to extend your penis.
Traction is simply put for stretching. It is done in the most comfortable and gradual way possible. If you feel strain or pain, then you perhaps missed something in the instructions.
Remove it and reread the manual. It is you they were thinking of when they created the penis extender, so you need not think that you have to suffer to get through to the result you want.
- Penis Extenders have no effect. – These words are easy to say, but also very easy to dispel. Medical research and documents prove otherwise, so you can read about their effects on the website of the tools. Penis extenders have had exhaustive studies done on them and they really give results once used. Of course guys, there are some low-quality penis extenders that don’t work at all because they simply rely on – there’s that word again – traction. But they are not calibrated for comfort and can really hurt.
- It is possible to grow overnight – this is the most common false promise everywhere. These are usually spread by companies that are hard-pressed for cash and will do anything to get some out of your wallet. You will never get results in such a short amount of time. The only ones that have effects are penis pumps, but once the ring is removed, it’s gone.
- Cheap products can give permanent results – you know that organic food is more expensive but you buy it. The same goes for supplements, exercise equipment and clothing. They’re pricey because their quality is much higher than other products, and you can really expect results from them. Don’t cut corners when it comes to penis extenders because inferior products can hurt you or produce no results at all.
You can grow using pills and creams. – Many male enhancement products have already been recalled by the United States Food and Drug Administration for neglecting list down all their ingredients, or incorrect labels, and worse, wrong dosages. There is no drug, no matter if it’s synthetically produced or natural that can help with penis enlargement. You won’t see any results in size no matter how long you rub that cream in or pop that pill.
Remember that not all types of penis extenders are the same. Quality is better than quantity and it should not hurt you at all. Don’t just go ahead and buy one without reading the fine print first.