Wirisonline » Ralph http://wirisonline.net Sun, 07 Apr 2013 11:50:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.5.1 Weight Loss Guideline You Should Remember http://wirisonline.net/weight-loss-guideline-you-should-remember-20/ http://wirisonline.net/weight-loss-guideline-you-should-remember-20/#comments Thu, 14 Mar 2013 14:24:42 +0000 Ralph http://wirisonline.net/?p=20 It doesn’t matter if you are trying to lose three pounds or over forty. The same principles control just how much weight you will and how fast you lose it. If you remember these simple guidelines and follow them, you can lose weight. There is no need for any medications, special diet plans or books.

Body weight = Energy

Calories are used to measure energy. If you take in the same amount of calories that you burn each day, your weight will not change. If your weight rises slowly, then your calorie intake is higher than the number of calories you use as energy.

You control the amount of food you eat every day. This means you are the only one who can choose how much you eat. We also control the number of calories we use up every day.

The amount of calories we use up each day depends on:

  • The number of calories per hour that we burn or BMR (basal metabolic rate). This is the amount of energy we burn each hour when we do our basic bodily functions
  • The level of physical energy we do.
  • Genetics or other conditions can also determine the speed of our BMR.
  • Another factor that determines how many calories we burn when we’re not moving is our weight.

Work and lifestyle can also affect how many calories we require each day. If your job requires intense physical labor, then the amount of calories you use up would definitely be higher than someone who sits at a desk all day.

As an example, if you’re a woman who has a sedentary lifestyle, you will need 1,800 calories a day to keep your weight steady. If you are a man of the same age, you need 2,200 calories.

If you have a moderate level of physical activity like exercising for three to five days a week adds 200 additional calories per day.

How to Achieve Weight Loss

Increasing physical activityReducing the number of calories you consume each day and increasing the number of calories you burn via physical activity is the most effect method. You need to burn 3,500 calories to lose one pound. Increasing physical activity or cutting back on your food or both, can achieve this goal.

Let’s say you don’t change your activity level and then consume an extra 500 calories a day for seven days, you will gain 1 pound (note: 7 days x 500 calories = 3,500 calories).

If it is the other way around, say you eat 500 calories less of your usual intake for a week or exercise using 500 calories a day for a week, your equivalent weight loss would be a pound.

Your BMR adds up all the activities you do in a day. This determines the total amount of calories you use as energy.

Let’s say your weight is 170 pounds. 300 calories will be burnt if you spend 45 minutes brisk walking. Cleaning your house requires 200 calories. So burn those calories now!

For more weight loss tips, please visit this website http://weightlosspillslabs.com/

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Penis Extender Myths and Facts http://wirisonline.net/penis-extender-myths-and-facts-12/ http://wirisonline.net/penis-extender-myths-and-facts-12/#comments Mon, 04 Mar 2013 14:10:50 +0000 Ralph http://wirisonline.net/?p=12 There are a bunch of myths regarding penis extenders that are running on the internet right now, and most of us guys are falling for it.

Penis enhancement has a bunch of lies surrounding it, so it is best to separate fact from fiction before any of our mates fall victim to such expensive but useless junk.

  • Penis Extenders are dangerous to health – the word traction makes most guys run screaming in the opposite direction and never look back. The never bother to read on after that. Worry not, because it is the safest and gentlest way to extend your penis.

Traction is simply put for stretching. It is done in the most comfortable and gradual way possible. If you feel strain or pain, then you perhaps missed something in the instructions.

Remove it and reread the manual. It is you they were thinking of when they created the penis extender, so you need not think that you have to suffer to get through to the result you want.

  • Penis Extenders have no effect. – These words are easy to say, but also very easy to dispel. Medical research and documents prove otherwise, so you can read about their effects on the website of the tools. Penis extenders have had exhaustive studies done on them and they really give results once used. Of course guys, there are some low-quality penis extenders that don’t work at all because they simply rely on – there’s that word again – traction. But they are not calibrated for comfort and can really hurt.
  • It is possible to grow overnight – this is the most common false promise everywhere. These are usually spread by companies that are hard-pressed for cash and will do anything to get some out of your wallet. You will never get results in such a short amount of time. The only ones that have effects are penis pumps, but once the ring is removed, it’s gone.
  • Cheap products can give permanent results – you know that organic food is more expensive but you buy it. The same goes for supplements, exercise equipment and clothing. They’re pricey because their quality is much higher than other products, and you can really expect results from them. Don’t cut corners when it comes to penis extenders because inferior products can hurt you or produce no results at all.
  • male enhancement pillsYou can grow using pills and creams. – Many male enhancement products have already been recalled by the United States Food and Drug Administration for neglecting list down all their ingredients, or incorrect labels, and worse, wrong dosages. There is no drug, no matter if it’s synthetically produced or natural that can help with penis enlargement. You won’t see any results in size no matter how long you rub that cream in or pop that pill.

Remember that not all types of penis extenders are the same. Quality is better than quantity and it should not hurt you at all. Don’t just go ahead and buy one without reading the fine print first.

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E-Cigarette Beginner Ideas: Cartridge vs Cartomizer http://wirisonline.net/e-cigarette-beginner-ideas-cartridge-vs-cartomizer-8/ http://wirisonline.net/e-cigarette-beginner-ideas-cartridge-vs-cartomizer-8/#comments Fri, 22 Feb 2013 13:54:15 +0000 Ralph http://wirisonline.net/?p=8 You decide to quit smoking, and you don’t want to experience the withdrawal symptoms. That is when you decide to get yourself an e-cigarette.

You’ve heard a lot about these tools to help reduce and kick the smoking habit without the side effects of quitting, so it is a great idea.

The thing is, with many models of the e-cigarettes on the market available, you also have to choose which one you think will work best for you – the e-cigarette cartridge type or the e-cigarette cartomizer.

Cartridge vs Cartomizer

  • E-Cigarette Cartridge – this is the first type used in the original e-cigarettes until about 2010-2011. These are either the one use or disposable type, and some are refillable. When you shop online, make sure you look closely at the pictures of the cartridges they have available. This one is recognizable at once because the bottom opening is exposed, and doesn’t have a screw thread. If you’re looking at e-cigarettes at a shop or stall, take a look at the opening. There’s a small, wet sponge inside it. This is one part of the three-piece e-cigarette. When you first assemble this, it has three parts you need to connect to each other, hence the name. You screw in the atomizer, the part that heats up the cartridge into the battery and then you place the cartridge above the atomizer. They are not really that expensive as well. The problem is the effectiveness, because there are some claims that one cartridge is equivalent to half a pack of cigarettes, but that is blatantly untrue. It might be worth only five sticks of use at the most. Not so reliable, they leak or expand in warm environments.
  • e-cigarette cartomizerE-Cigarette Cartomizers – this is the recent type of “cartridge” that was made in lieu of the original cartridge – the cartomizer. Cartomizer – a word that has combined cartridge and atomizer in one. It is refillable and has its own heating element, because the cartridge and the atomizer have been fused into one part. They don’t leak and can hold a greater amount of e-cigarette liquids compared to the old cartridge. They are a little bit more expensive than the original cartridge, but it is money well spent, since you get more out of the cartomizer than the former. They are built for later models of e-cigarettes, the two-piece. This means you connect the cartomizer to the battery before use. Easier than the first, less time needed and no hassle. These are easy to identify because of the screw threading on the bottom, but there are types that have them recessed. The term cartomizer is new, so some people get confused, that is why some makers still prefer to call them cartridges.

Choose the option that is right for you. The cartomizer is your best bet, since although they might be a bit pricier, you can use them for a longer time, and they are generally refillable.

All you need to do is to choose the smoke juice flavor you like.

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Male Enhancement Myths Debunked http://wirisonline.net/male-enhancement-myths-debunked-16/ http://wirisonline.net/male-enhancement-myths-debunked-16/#comments Tue, 12 Feb 2013 13:27:31 +0000 Ralph http://wirisonline.net/?p=16 Many of us guys don’t really talk about our problems – particularly problems in the bedroom. Somehow there is a stigma attached to that in our brains – if there’s a problem in that area, we think we are less than men.

So we bone up (pun intended) on information about male enhancement when we are supposed to be surfing the net. Let’s take a look at some male enhancement myths we need to be careful about.

  • Size matters most – there is indeed a bit of truth in this, but the down and dirty is your technique that gets you to the goal. There is nobody out there who has the perfect penis, or even a perfect anything, guys, so chill. We all are different; there are no two guys alike, which is why we are pretty special. That is why penis size doesn’t really cut the mustard – so get it out of your heads.
  • Risks = 0% – some avid marketers like to tell you their product “involves no risk to you whatsoever.” If you want to enlarge our buddy down there, risk is possible. Don’t settle for what the capital letters in the ads you see tell you. Read the fine print, or better yet, talk to your doctor.
  • You gain much if you risk much – even if you guys have already read the myths above and that they are false – you still want a larger penis? Think about this. If you’re going to risk permanent damage to your reproductive organ for the sake of additional one or two inches – what would happen in the future? You might be seriously hurt and the expense would go down the drain. You might even have to go through drastic lifestyle changes or not be completely whole anymore after you go under the surgeon’s knife.
  • Women love big menWomen love big men. – Of course there’s no accounting for taste, because there is some truth to the matter. Some women like it big, but the god-honest truth is that a larger percentage of women prefer men who are of normal size – but has the skills in the bedroom.
  • Average size. – we usually have the common misconceptions regarding the word “average” when it’s used to describe penis size. Many of us don’t really know what the actual average size is; and we always think that ours is too small. This in turn causes us to turn to different “lengths” for male enhancement. Most of us are average size or close to it. You should stop worrying about it.

Now you have the most popular myths about male enhancement debunked. So if you find others, they will be much easier to spot.

Consider carefully all of the myths regarding male enhancement techniques. You are going to realize that you are not going to need any of those after all.

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Foods That Can Improve Low Sperm Count and Male Fertility http://wirisonline.net/foods-that-can-improve-low-sperm-count-and-male-fertility-22/ http://wirisonline.net/foods-that-can-improve-low-sperm-count-and-male-fertility-22/#comments Sat, 02 Feb 2013 13:20:10 +0000 Ralph http://wirisonline.net/?p=22 Raising the percentage of having children or simply wanting more of the good stuff when you ejaculate can be reason enough to improve low sperm count.

Recent research has revealed that failure to produce enough sperm is the cause of 90% of male infertility problems.

8 Miracle Foods That Help With Low Sperm Count

  • Oysters – Barry University in Miami discovered potent amino acids in these bivalve mollusks that help produce progesterone in females and testosterone in males. If these hormones are increased, then you become more sexually active. Oysters are aphrodisiacs that can help males with sexual difficulties.
  • chocolateChocolate – especially the dark kind contains L-Arginine HCL, which is an amino acid that has been clinically proven to double semen and sperm volume. It can also help increase your sexual pressure by strengthening and intensifying your orgasms. Don’t eat too much, because it can cause testosterone and estrogen imbalances that can reduce your sperm count even further.
  • Maca – for years, Peruvians have said that the maca plant is mystical and powerful; now, their claims have been proven scientifically. Men who were given 1,500 to 300 milligrams of maca extract per day had increased levels of sperm count per ejaculation, sperm motility and seminal volume. They also experienced a dramatic increase in sexual desire.
  • Bananas – these fruits have bromelain, an enzyme that increases sex drive and male libido. They also have vitamin B, which improves stamina.
  • Asparagus – harmful free radicals should be reduced in your body so that your sperm count will increase. This is why many doctors recommend having asparagus in your diet. This vegetable doesn’t just cleans and heal, it also has high concentrations of vitamin C that help to protect sperm from oxidative damage. It also increases sperm volume and motility. The downside is your pee smelling like ammonia, but who’s complaining?
  • Walnuts – walnuts contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids that improve blood flow to the genitals, thereby promoting an increase in sperm count and sexual function. Also, by eating seven walnuts per day, you can lower your risk of coronary heart disease and your cholesterol level. Walnuts contain twice as much antioxidant as any other nut.
  • Pumpkin Seeds – among all the sperm-boosting foods, it was discovered that pumpkin seeds have phytosterols, protective compounds that can improve testosterone production and shrink an already enlarged prostate. They also have omega-3 fatty acids that can help improve blood flow to your head above, and also to the one below.
  • Ginseng – for centuries, Asian men have turned to ginseng to improve virility. It was discovered that ginseng produced hormonal secretions that increased libido and sexual performance of lab rats, and 45 men who had erectile dysfunction who had ginseng for 16 weeks. 60% of those tested reported improved erections.

Start chewing down on these eight foods to get a dramatic increase in your sexual libido and help with your low sperm count. Natural methods are still the best to choose to improve health.

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Weight Loss Secrets Unveiled! http://wirisonline.net/weight-loss-secrets-unveiled-18/ http://wirisonline.net/weight-loss-secrets-unveiled-18/#comments Mon, 24 Dec 2012 14:19:31 +0000 Ralph http://wirisonline.net/?p=18 There are many secrets in this world, and some of them are known only by professionals. In the world of weight loss, there are taboo things that you should learn in order to enhance the way you burn up those calories.

Take a look at the different ways you can lose weight and the things that may be holding you back from achieving your desired body weight.

  • Handsome guy doing push-ups on Santa Monica BeachIf you will work out, don’t go there without eating something, if you just got well from being sick for a time, or if you didn’t have enough sleep. You would have wasted not just your personal trainer’s time, but yours as well. If you haven’t prepared your body by hydrating, resting and eating right and it’s not yet well enough to move, then no changes will happen.
  • A trainer is a good way to gain motivation when your workouts are starting to get boring. If that’s too pricey, invite some friends over so you can work out together. This will save money. It has also been proven that your morale and commitment to losing weight improves when you work out with friends.
  • Work out with intervals of rest in between. There was a recent study which showed that women who cycled quickly for twenty minutes at a time lost weight at a faster pace compared to women who cycled slowly for forty minutes. This helps to rev up your metabolism.
  • If you can’t continue exercising any longer, pep yourself up by imagining a trainer cheering you on. If you encourage yourself actively, your outcome will also improve.
  • It’s ok to eat takeout. Just don’t eat anything crispy or eat anything with a heavy dose of mayonnaise. No-fat dressing is also a great option.
  • Eat while you move. If you’re starving while you’re out shopping, pick up something small. A chicken taco, a pretzel or some roasted nuts would be good for a snack. Just make sure the snack you choose is low on calories.
  • Water helps out a lot. If you hit an energy loss slump late in the day, grab a bottle of water. It will make your blood flow faster and also make you feel full. The craving for munchies will then fade away.
  • Sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep, your hormones might go batty. A hormone imbalance that may occur is when the hormone leptin which controls the feeling of fullness decreases corollary to the rising of ghrelin, the hunger hormone. Because of this, we will feel hungry even though we’re not. It’s better to get the right amount of rest because your hormones will remain steady.

Make sure you’re not half-hearted at making the effort to lose weight. If you focus on your goal, you’ll be raring to go. See effects of your weight loss regimen.

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What To Look For In A Penis Extender http://wirisonline.net/what-to-look-for-in-a-penis-extender-10/ http://wirisonline.net/what-to-look-for-in-a-penis-extender-10/#comments Wed, 30 May 2012 13:59:20 +0000 Ralph http://wirisonline.net/?p=10 enhance penisMen usually dream of having a big penis to enhance our prowess in the bedroom. So we look for ways to enhance our size. The trump card is getting a penis extender.

These tools are spread through the internet like brushfire and it can get difficult to choose which one will be the most effective when we use it.

What Should We Look For In A Penis Extender?

  • Credibility – Look up the medical background of the penis extender you want to use. Evidence and real testimonials should be the ones we look for. A good penis extender has many clinical trials under its belt and studies should have been done to test its efficacy. It should also be recommended by bonafide doctors and health professionals. It shouldn’t just give you size and length, but also improve you overall sexual performance and pleasure in the sack. Check the credibility of the product by asking medical practitioners and licensed health care workers.
  • Comfort – the mechanism of the penis extender should be comfortable enough for you to wear it easily for long hours during the day. As with all devices that use traction, you must be able to wear it for hours – as long as possible, in fact – so that you can get results in the shortest amount of time. You must make sure that it doesn’t interfere with your lifestyle and daily routines.
  • See how it works – the best choice should be a penis extender that naturally fits. It should be able to draw enough blood to the penile tissue and let you have a longer time of erection. Another thing that it should do is to be able to stretch the penis naturally so that the tissues will be tricked into lengthening. In short, it has to be a two-pronged weapon to do battle against weak erections that don’t last and lengthen your member.
  • Quality – there should have been tests done on the penis extender for effectiveness and potential dangers when used (if there are any). It should also have the backing of science and the best research of the time. Look for brands that have been around and can give you what they advertise; remember, you should get what you paid for. Some brands have medical backing that states they have produced penile enlargement reaching 1.5 inches in thickness and raised the length by 3 inches.
  • Safety – natural doesn’t immediately equate with safety. Make sure you have researched everything there is to know about the penis extender you are thinking of buying. See if the product has the approval of credible sources – the international ones that have big clout at the best. The tool must have no side effects after any prolonged use and you shouldn’t have any scrap of discomfort while it’s on you.

Remember these things when you shop for the best penis extender on the market -credibility, comfort, quality, safety and ease of use. It pays to do research.

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E-Cigarette Types Differentiated http://wirisonline.net/e-cigarette-types-differentiated-6/ http://wirisonline.net/e-cigarette-types-differentiated-6/#comments Sun, 16 Oct 2011 13:53:41 +0000 Ralph http://wirisonline.net/?p=6 There are many e-cigarette models available on the market these days, and it might be a constant headache to choose which one will suit you best.

It can be a bit overwhelming, especially when you take a look at so many pictures that have different colors, shapes, sizes and whatnot. Fortunately, there are only three kinds to choose from, and they are all easy to differentiate from the other.

What Are The Types of E-Cigarette Models?

The three e-cigarette types are named after the number of parts that they have. These are

  • 1 piece
  • 2 piece
  • 3 piece


In terms of design style, you have four to choose from.

  • penPen
  • Mini
  • Cigar
  • Pipe

When we talk about the performance and function of e-cigarettes, it is entirely dependent on its three main parts, namely the atomizer, nicotine cartridge and batteries. How they are designed to work together, their attachment and packaging. Let’s take a closer look at the types.

The One Piece

This is the best choice for a beginner. The e-cigarette is already assembled all of a piece and you can smoke as soon as it’s out of the packaging, and you toss it once you’re done. There are some models that you need to activate by twisting the battery to turn it on, removing a foil tab or once again twisting to engage the nicotine cartridge with the atomizer.

The Two Piece

Another name for the two piece is the cartomizer. This is because the atomizer is already attached to the nicotine refill cartridge, enhancing the convenience. You can simply recharge the batteries and replace the nicotine cartridges to reuse.

The great thing about the 2 piece e-cigarette is since the atomizer is already built into the nicotine cartridge, it gets replaced when you use it up. Atomizers usually require replacing in a 3 piece e cigarette every six to eight weeks. Depending on your habit of smoking, the cartridge will get used up every day or two.

One problem with it however, is it’s nearly impossible to refill the cartridges with smoke juice (called dripping) because of the attachment of the atomizer to the nicotine cartridge.

The Three Piece

The three piece e-cigarette has all three parts separated from each other. Veteran e-cigarette users or vapers prefer to use this kind because of the versatility. There are three options for dripping or filling the nicotine cartridges, and you can modify the parts to your liking.

The problem with the three piece e-cigarette is maintenance. Since it is made up of three parts, you need to replace both the batteries and atomizers depending on your smoking habits.
Now it is easier for you to make a choice as to what is suitable for you and your lifestyle. Enjoy the process of choosing and have fun with what you get! It’s your pleasure that counts, after all.

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Recalled Male Enhancement Drugs To Watch Out For http://wirisonline.net/recalled-male-enhancement-drugs-to-watch-out-for-14/ http://wirisonline.net/recalled-male-enhancement-drugs-to-watch-out-for-14/#comments Tue, 13 Sep 2011 13:23:13 +0000 Ralph http://wirisonline.net/?p=14 We men are pretty much comfortable with ourselves, and we don’t need to hide anything – much.

It’s just that if we don’t feel satisfied with our equipment we don’t trust even our closest pals about this problem.

Things could get out of hand if we try to make decisions for ourselves regarding this, particularly since male enhancement seems a little too taboo to discuss with our buddies.

We try to do the research ourselves regarding the male enhancement products, but we might get taken in by the hype.

Recalled Male Enhancement Drugs

  • Night BulletNight Bullet – this male enhancement drug contained trace amounts of Sulfohydrocyhomosildenafil and Aminotadalafil. They essentially have the same structure as sildenafil. Sildenafil is the active ingredient in a drug approved by the FDA that is used in erectile dysfunction therapy. This makes Night Bullet itself an unapproved drug because it has undeclared active ingredients. It may become a threat to consumers because sildenafil can combine with nitrates that are found in certain prescription drugs (like nitroglycerin) and lower blood pressure to levels that can risk the life of the consumer. Those of us who have high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, heart disease or diabetes take nitrates as prescribed by our doctors. Erectile dysfunction is common among those who suffer from the illnesses above and you may know some of them who want to look for products that can enhance their performance in the bedroom. Headaches and flushing may also occur.

Night Bullet comes in capsules and is marketed as a male enhancement supplement. If you purchased this, discontinue the use immediately and call your doctor if you have had problems.

  • EreXite – also found to have an analog (same structure, different component drug) of tadalafil, an active ingredient that’s also used to treat ED or erectile dysfunction. It also has the possibility of interacting with the nitrates from other prescription drugs and lower blood pressure to extreme levels. It generally has the same results as Night Bullet. If you bought this product, stop using it immediately. The trash can’s the best place for it.
  • Stree Overlord – FDA warns consumers against the purchase of this product which is marketed as a supplement for male enhancement. The laboratory analysis has also confirmed that sildenafil which we have discussed above is also present in this drug. Discontinue the use and call your doctor if you’ve gotten into trouble.
  • Mojo Nights – also has undeclared drugs used for ED in its ingredients. These are sildenafil, tadalafil, hydroxythiohomosildenafil, sulfoaildenafil and sulfosildenafail. Discontinue the use and contact your doctor if you have adverse reactions manifesting.

We have to remember that what we have should be taken care of. We must not risk our bodies, health and lives just to get our mental gratification.

It is really not worth it to spend our money on stuff that offer promises that they won’t keep. Always remember to consult first your doctor before taking any medications.

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Reasons For Low Sperm Count http://wirisonline.net/reasons-for-low-sperm-count-21/ http://wirisonline.net/reasons-for-low-sperm-count-21/#comments Sat, 05 Mar 2011 13:13:23 +0000 Ralph http://wirisonline.net/?p=21 When a couple wants to have a baby, they usually are very careful about everything they do, be it the food they eat, to even the slightest changes in lifestyle they would have.

However, there may be difficulties that can be encountered, and when they go to the doctor, he might give them a series of tests to find out what’s wrong.

There may be a diagnosis of low sperm count. Let’s see a list of reasons for temporary and permanent low sperm count.

Temporary Causes and Lifestyle Reasons of Low Sperm Count

  • Sexual Issues – there are less than 1% of men who are affected by this; technique or sexual intercourse may affect infertility.
  • Treatable conditions like impotence, premature ejaculation, relationship or psychological problems can be some reasons for infertility.
  • Emotional Stress – The GnRH hormone may be affected by stress and the result would be a reduced sperm count.
  • Spermicides, oils, Vaseline and lubricants that are used with condoms can be causes of low sperm count.
  • Substance Abuse – the use of illegal drugs such as marijuana or cocaine can reduce sperm quality by 50%. Certain compounds in marijuana can be mistakenly accepted by receptors in the sperm may inhibit their ability to swim or cause problems in zygote penetration.
  • smokingSmoking – sperm motility, lifespan and count may be impaired by smoking and can cause genetic changes in the baby. In 1999, a study made on smokers found out that they have sex less frequently and have lower sex drives.
  • Heat Exposure – Hot tubs, saunas, and high fever can lower the sperm count temporarily. However, fertility may be impaired by overheating at work.
  • Nutrient Deficiencies and Malnutrition – Vitamin C, folate, zinc and selenium deficiency may be risk factors that contribute to low sperm count.
  • Bicycling – impotence and low sperm count in men has been linked to bicycling. The bike seat can cause pressure that may damage nerves and blood vessels responsible for erection. Riding on off road terrain such as in mountain biking exposes the perineum (the area between the scrotum and anus) to more vibrations and extreme shocks. This increases the scrotum injury percentage.
  • Obesity – a percentage of the studies done on men have found obesity linked with low sperm count.
  • Genetics – male fertility can be impaired by genetic factors. These conditions may be caused by environmental assaults or inherited. Fertility impairment can be affected by illnesses or disorders that are inherited.
  • Exposure to Heavy Metals – frequent exposure to cadmium, arsenic and led can affect sperm production and no matter how healthy you are, it can still reduce production. Even trace amounts of these metals found in semen can inhibit enzymes in the membrane that covers the head of the sperm, the acrosome.

When low sperm count has been diagnosed, make sure you follow all the doctor’s instructions on how to get better. Eat a healthy diet, and stay away from all things that you have been warned of.

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